According to world statistics, back pain is second only to viral infections in the list of causes of disability. They are in first place on the list of hospital visits. Contrary to popular belief that most older people suffer from them, the back often hurts among the younger generation. Why does the back hurt, what preventive measures should be taken to prevent this, as well as what exercises will help with the pain - we will consider these and other questions in this article.
Since the back is a relatively large area on the human body, and many vital organs (heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys) are projected onto it, there are many causes of pain. They are especially often localized in the lumbar region.

The main reasons why your back hurts can be:
- Injuries to muscles and ligaments - too much energy, sprains, cramps, hypothermia, bruising.
- Spinal diseases - herniated intervertebral discs, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis of the facet joints, pinched nerves, vertebral displacement, sciatica, lumbago.
- Diseases of internal organs: kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, small pelvis.
In addition, pain in the back of the body accompanies a heart attack, stroke.
Even with minor, but frequent back pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious diseases. So, for example, vertebral displacement can lead to osteochondrosis or hernia.
The risk group for back problems accompanied by painful sensations includes people who:
- working sitting or standing (e. g. , drivers; those working at computers);
- dealing with great physical activity;
- often experience stressful situations;
- practice hard in the gym;
- be overweight;
- have an incorrect posture.

Discomfort can be localized in different parts of the back, but most often it appears in the following parts of the body.
At the bottom of the back. As a rule, back pain in the lumbar region is painful, obsessive, interesting, because they may be:
- intervertebral hernia;
- osteochondrosis;
- radiculitis;
- women's diseases;
- protrusion;
- kidney problems.
Pain can be given to the legs, it becomes stronger when a person is sitting or walking. In this case, it may be due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
If a pregnant woman feels such pain, then after the birth of a child she should undergo a serious examination of the spine:
- At the back of the head, it turns into a headache.Most likely, you need to pay attention to the examination of the cervical vertebrae. Also, neck problems are indicated by pain in the neck and back at the same time. It is felt when turning and tilting the head.
- In the scapula and in the middle of the spine.It can increase with inhalation, and when one makes a round dick. The reason must be sought in the work of the heart and thoracic spine.
- Middle back- Acute pain radiating to the chest, heart. The possible cause is neuralgia or problems with some internal organs.
- Between the shoulder blades.If the back between the shoulder blades hurts a little, but obsessively, then most likely the reason lies in intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, other problems with the spine, as well as diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, lungs, and liver.
- In the lower part of the body.If such pain is acute and is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then it is similar to renal colic or other diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

The most dangerous back pain is that which radiates to the thoracic area, as it may be evidence of a heart attack. The most common is painful discomfort in the spine. Neck pain is the most problematic to treat.
When you see a doctor
Back pain can occur after sudden weight lifting or movement. They can be removed with a massage or a special ointment. If the pain recurs or accompanies someone constantly, you need to go to the doctor. A neurologist will help determine the cause. By properly identifying the cause and eliminating it, you can eliminate back discomfort permanently.

Improper treatment is fraught with serious consequences, up to and including surgical intervention.
Do not delay a visit to the doctor when sick:
- acute and does not stop for two to three days;
- constant, which does not pass for two weeks;
- sharp, for no reason;
- accompanied by high fever, abdominal cramps, painful chest discomfort, respiratory complications;
- give at the feet;
- appeared after injury.
It is important and urgent to call an ambulance if, together with pain in the back, it is difficult for a person to move, he experiences confusion or loss of consciousness, shock.
Methods for diagnosing back pain
The specialist will help determine the cause accurately based on the diagnostic results, which are carried out by such methods:
- ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
- electrocardiogram (ECG);
- radiography;
- laboratory research.

Methods of treatment
Treatment methods can be roughly divided into traditional and non -traditional. And also for medicine, neurosurgery and conservative. Let us consider them in more detail.
The method of drug treatment aims, first of all, to relieve pain and inflammation, improve metabolic processes. The pain is relieved with the help of analgesics in the form of tablets and in the form of injections and drops.

In the complex, vitamins C, B and immunomodulators are prescribed. In more difficult cases, injections are given to help relieve pain and have anti-inflammatory effects.
Physiotherapeutic procedures are mandatory for painful sensations in the back associated with diseases of the spine, joints, nervous system and as a result of injuries:
- laser therapy;
- Ray of light;
- ultrasound;
- electrophoresis;
- ultraviolet;
- magnetic;
- infrared radiation;
- electromagnetic waves.
This also includes mud treatments.
Another traditional treatment is massage. It is recommended:
- with osteochondrosis;
- arthritis;
- arthrosis;
- radiculitis;
- heavy physical exertion;
- curvature of the spine,
- hernia.
In addition to relieving pain, massage also helps correct posture, improve blood circulation, restore immunity, improve the function of internal organs, and relax the nervous system.
Statistics show that 50% of patients after the first attack of back pain, if they do not seek timely medical help, experience recurrent attacks or begin to suffer from chronic diseases.

There are three types of sequences:
- Classic (all sequence techniques: rubbing, patting, rubbing, kneading, etc. ).
- Relax (rubbing).
- Spots (using finger pads).
A complex of exercise therapy has also been developed: therapeutic gymnastics in case of serious problems is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It starts with a regular lying position - this is how the patient spends some sessions. Then the load is gradually increased, a set of simple but effective exercises for the spine is introduced: deflection, rotation, leg raises. Then, additional loads are introduced in the form of bullets.
Physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy are prescribed only after pain relief in the patient. Otherwise, additional danger may be posed to him.
The most well-known non-traditional methods are acupuncture, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, vacuum therapy, kinesio taping (treatment with adhesive tape) and others:
- Acupuncture (acupuncture) is indicated for diseases of the spine, neuralgic problems, headaches, joint diseases. It is not suitable for everyone. The size of the needle, its location, angle and depth of placement were determined for each patient individually
- The chiropractor acts on the spine with his hands. It can fix vertebral discs, releasing pinched nerves, thus relieving pain. Manual therapy is recommended by the World Health Organization as a method of medical treatment.
- Vacuum treatment involves placing the cup on the back, where pressure is created, causing blood to flow to the problem area. This allows you to quickly relieve pain and improve metabolic processes. Vacuum massage involves rearranging the cans from one place to another.
- Among the folk remedies, compresses, ointments and swabs have proven themselves well:
- The most effective is a horseradish compress. Carrots are rubbed, mixed with sour cream, rubbed on the lower back, covered with a napkin and wrapped in the back with a warm scarf. You can pour boiling water over the horseradish leaves and tie at the bottom of the back.
- Back pain can also help relieve a smear with a mixture of black radish and honey.
- To relieve pain, iodine ointment and lemon or birch oil are also applied in equal parts along the entire length of the spine.

Prevention of back pain
If you enter the risk zone as a person whose spine is subject to constant stress by the nature of the activity (hard physical work, sedentary work, leg work), you need to do periodic warm -ups every day.
In addition, you should use the following tips:
- for a long standing position, leaning on a vertical surface - walls, pillars, etc. ;
- when carrying a weight, distribute it evenly - in both hands, it is better to use a backpack in this case;
- bend your knees when lifting heavy loads off the floor;
- do not make sudden movements;
- monitor posture, do not bend;
- maintain a normal weight;
- doing gymnastics, which includes body bends and rounds;
- sleeping on an orthopedic mattress;
- does not include sleeping on high pillows.
The most accessible and effective methods of prevention are physical exercises to strengthen the back muscles, swimming, refusal to take the elevator and daily climbing stairs, and walking.

The easiest recommended exercises to strengthen your back muscles include:
- Hip bridge- in the supine position, bend your legs and lift your hips, lift your pelvis off the floor. The body should stretch in a straight line. Hold the tense hips in this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. It is recommended to do this exercise at least 12 times.
- Edge board- lie on your right side and lean on your elbows, lift the body and stretch it in a straight line, lift the hips off the floor. Do the same on the left.
- Lunges- from a standing position, alternating forward with your legs, bend your legs at a 90 -degree angle. Recommended 10 times.
- Deflection in prone position- lie on your stomach, bend over, lean on your hands, and pull your shoulders up as much as possible.
- Wrinkle the ball- Lie on your back, wrap your arms around your knees and pull to your stomach. Lie like this for 30 seconds. Then return to starting position.
Fitball exercises are very effective for the back.
If you adhere to these recommendations, you should not experience back problems for the rest of your life. If this happens, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible to begin treatment of health problems that arise in a timely manner, without bringing them to a chronic state.